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Cultivar Review: Blue Guava Gelato by Mariwood Hollyjane

Blue Guava Gelato #blueguavagelato🍈🔵 by @mariwood_hollyjane99

Lineage/Genetics: Blue Gotti and Guava Gelato (Thin Mint GSC and Sunset Sherbert)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Mariwood Hollyjane @mariwood_hollyjane99

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Blue Gauva Gelato Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Happy Memorial Day and Salute 🫡 to all the soldiers that fought and died for this country. Todays review is dedicated to them.

I previous when to the nyc stoner community sesh and I met the homie @mariwood_hollyjane99 and learned about his services and dedication to bringing the best herbs to the daily stoner. He blessed me with some #blueguava #Gelato to test and review.

The jar consist of 2 decent size medium nugs, smaller nugs to complete the testing sampler. The nugs had a coat of oatmeal color trichomes, celery green color leaves, French dressing color pistils. It has a gelato sherb dough fuel like aroma. It’s like smelling burn tire rubber mix with ice cream.
The palate is woodsy, minty, hint of honey citrus. The inhale is smooth creamy pungent on the inhale 😮‍💨. The high is medium cerebral, medium level body high. The high starts around 5-6 pulls in. I smoked in on a @rawlife247 black paper. The ashes came out salt and peppery. I still felt it was smoking clean. The high also had me feeling creative and relaxed. Overall it’s a great cultivar, from

Taste, effects and appearance. I recommend it giving it a 4.6/5.
Shoutout & follow @mariwood_hollyjane99 thank you for the flower and good vibes. Hope to review more of your work soon.

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