Cultivar Review: Blueberry by tks.ssaucyb
#blueberry – by @tks.ssaucyb
Lineage/Genetics – Purple Thai x Thai
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: tks.ssaucyb
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Blueberry Cannabis Cultivar (strain) Review
@tks.ssaucyb comes back with another banger of his second harvest the legendary slept on “Blueberry”. Blueberry is the combination of Purple Thai and one of the originals Thai. The nugs came straight from the inflorescence, fluffy stringy buds. It’s not the best appeal but not bad for being it’s second harvest. Money green color leaves, cheddar cheese color pistils, splash of trichomes to complete the creation.The palate is a sweet sour herbal fruity blueberry flavors . The scent also had the blueberry 🫐 aroma blend with a pinene earthy Thai odor. The effects were a medium low cerebral high, medium body high. The buzz starts around 7-8 pulls in, overall high about 1.5. The smoke experience is a smooth blend with sour fruit terps of the myrcene of the blueberry. It’s not harsh on the 😮💨 but not completely smooth. The ashes burn 60/40 more salt than pepper. Overall Blueberry is tasty, has the aroma, and the effects are relaxing. The appeal and the burn needs room for improvement, beside that @tks.ssaucyb held his own with this blueberry 🫐 . 3.5/5
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