Cultivar Review: Blueberry Shortcake by The Kolektors
#blueberryshortcake by @thekolektor x @kolektors_why_oze –
Lineage/Genetics – Blueberry x Grape Pie
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: The Kolektors
Terpene Profile: Myrcene Dominant
Blueberry Shortcake Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
The blueberry shortcake by the Kolektors is a unique cultivar with a vintage appeal & flavorful aroma. The smell is on a haze mix with sweet, ⛽️ . It’s Similar to what my fellow reviewer @imstillstoned.823 said it has a smell like haze, this cultivar can trick anyone based on appearance and scent it’s blueberry and smells like haze .
The thc is rated at 13 %,total cannabinoids 15 %, high on myrcene terps. The nugs are Larry Lime green buds with highlighted coral color pistils. The lineages shows more on the palate then on the appearance. The taste is a blend of creamy cake taste mix with the sweetness 🫐 🍇. The high is a mid level cerebral. It’s perfect for a wake and bake, not high not too low.
I started feeling the buzz around 5-6 pulls in. The only con is the high is not as durable as my tolerance can take. The high lasted me about an 1.5 hours. Overall, it still a palatable flower with great effects. The ashes burn salt and peppery. It has a smooth grape/ creamy inhale. If you like taste and not a long lasting high go with the 🫐 🍰 4.3/5 —
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