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Cultivar Review: Chem 91 by 710 Labs

I loved this 1/2 ounce of Chem 91 from 710 Labs, definitely old school at it’s best.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: 710 Labs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

710 Labs Chem 91 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

chem 91 by 710 labs strain review by ogweedreviewIt’s numbers were:
26.81% THC
0.06 % CBD

I don’t normally list this, but thought it was funny, this 1/2 oz. was packaged on 04/20/2022.

This 710 Labs, Chem 91 was packed to the top of it’s jar, practically jumping out, once it was opened.

As you can see these nuggs were loose and airy with a healthy smattering of sticky trichomes.

The smell, incredibly delicious fuel and earth. 

Seriously I could open and close this jar all day just for a hit of it terps alone.

Taste was a mouthwatering spicy fuel on the inhale & an earthy exhale.

710 Labs are one of the few growers out there, who value total terpenoid percentage over total THC percentage. For me, it’s all about those terps.

The few times I’ve been able to acquire their flowers, I’ve been blown away by their lusciously intense flavors. These guys know their shit and it shows.

This 1/2 oz from 710 Labs came in a cool locking exit bag, the kind you used to have to buy in order to leave your favorite dispensary back in the day. Nice touch if you’ve got little kids running around.

I also loved the re-usable black opaque jar with the 710 Logo.

My high was perfection, body and mind flowing together in perfect harmony. I wish I could smoke this one everyday, no jacked up feeling and not a trace of couch-lock, it worked great for my spinal pain.

IMO, just a perfect 2.5 hour high.

I usually don’t like to buy more than a quarter oz. of something I have never tried but, I really loved this one and was glad I bought a 1/2 and was totally bummed when I tried to scoop up more, it was already gone.

If you see this Chem 91 from 710 Labs, you need some !!!


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I review Lab-tested Cannabis flowers available in California ☮️ OG

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Educational reviews to help Medical Cannabis patients find their best medicine. I review Lab-tested Cannabis flowers available in California ☮️ OG

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