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Cultivar Review: Cherry Bombers by Viola

#cherrybombers by @viola x @alharrington3 x @justnaj_

Lineage/Genetics – LCG Cut ( Lemon Cherry Gelato)

Bred & Cultivated in California

Grower: Viola

Terpene Profile: Unknown

@astorclubnyc @theastorclubnyc

Cherry Bombers Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

cherry bombers by viola strain review by letmeseewhatusmokin

@viola @alharrington3 meet n greet. @astorclubnyc had two drops the collab with brickel boyz and their own sole drop, the Cherry 🍒 Bombers 💣 . The Cherry Bombers comes from the LCG family. It was cultivated using hydroponic, possible ted budz facility in California. The flower nugs show the LCG resemblances, dense not too fresh not to old just right . The oatmilk color trichomes Rivera around the nugs like in an island. Followed by pear green color calyx, cheese doodles color pistils. The nose is a sweet cherry 🍒 limonene, floral, musky gelato aroma. The palate is a spicy caryophyllene blend with cherry 🍒 🍋 . It tasted like a spicy cherry icy. The inhale is smooth but the exhale is fuel ⛽️. My only con is that it loses its taste half of the sesh. The taste and flavors don’t linger. It gave me juicy fruit gum, kind of vibes. The flavor is there for the first few pulls, then it’s gone. It burned great on elements 4/5, not so good on raw 2/5. The effects are heavy cerebral, delayed onset. The high is definitely felt after the sesh. My first experience was on the raw paper and didn’t like the smoke experience. On the second try, I used elements and more flower on the roll than the first time and enjoyed the experience. The ashes report on with the Raw papers gave me a 50/50 and on the elements 70/30 more salt than pepper. In conclusion, Cherry Bombers has the potential. The appeal, the high , nose were on point . The palate and smoking experience can improve. Shoutout to @astorclubnyc & @justnaj_ for the opportunity to review this Viola delicacy. Big shoutout to @alharrington3 x @nruntouchable … Cherry Bombers – 3.5/5 —- Rest in Power @nipseyhussle

5- perfect smoke, appeal, effects, nose & palate
4.9- 4.5 —- close to perfect but not quite/
4.5-4- good but not close to perfect
4-3.5 — reasonable for ticket – room for improvement
3.5 – 3 – still reasonable, might be attracted by two – three things on the cultivar ..
3- 2.5 – needs work work work – (Rihanna voice)
2.5 – 2 – 1 — needs to be revamped or probably should be cut off

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