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Cultivar Review: Cherry Pie Zkittlez by Ember Valley

Cherry Pie Zkittlez by Ember Valley 

Bred by SeedJunky Genetics

Lineage/Genetics: Cherry Pie X Zkittlez

Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics

Grower: Ember Valley

Terpene Profile: Beta Caryophyllene Dominant

Cherry Pie Zkittlez Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Her Numbers:
Total THC 29.73%
Total CBD 0.07%

Total Terpenes 3.02%

Top Six Terpenes:
D-L IMONENE 0.392%
α-HUMULENE 0.387%
α-BISABOLOL 0.337%
β-MYRCENE 0.172%

cherry pie x zkittlez by ember valley strain review by ogweedreview

If you’re looking for some excellent pain relief (for me anyway), RUN and get yourself some of this Cherry Pie Zkittlez from Ember Valley.

Cracking open her jar produced an Earthy Spice with slight hints of Cherries.

Masticating one of her budlets brought on an unpleasant Rotting Grapefruit taste, I had to spit it out pretty quickly.

Grinding her was different with Earthy Bergamot and Sweet Cherries, along with traces of cream.

When vaped via my STORZ & BICKEL Mighty, her vape was pungent, with a flavor of acidic grapefruit, and sweet grapes.

Bong hits were different, Spicy Cherry and Grapefruit, she was easy to take big rips.

Her high was like a clear-headed float on a cloud, very chill but definitely sociable, not a couch-lock at all. 

Cherry Pie Zkittlez by Ember Valley, a fantastic daytime cruise.

cherry pie x zkittlez by ember valley strain review by ogweedreview 2


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