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Cultivar Review: Columbian Haze by Seven Leaves

This is the hardest review I’ve had to write since I started @ogweedreview in July 2020.

Did you ever put off doing something for as long a you possibly can, because you dread doing it, then you finally decide, fuck it I’ll just bite the bullet and do it?

Well for me, today is that day.

First off, let me say, as a former Cannabis grower (13 years in my master bedroom closet), I totally respect the amount of time and effort that goes into bringing a crop of ladies to harvest.

When I first started smoking weed, the town I grew up in outside of Chicago only had access to three cultivars, Mexican, Colombian Redbud and Colombian Gold.
I had high hopes (pun intended) when I saw this Colombian Haze from Seven Leaves. The thought of possibly getting the chance to smoke something similar to something that I’d smoked in my youth, was very intriguing.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Seven Leaves

Terpene Profile: Myrcene Dominant

Seven Leaves Colombian Haze Cannabis Cultivar (Sttain) Review

colombian haze by seven leaves strain review by ogweedreview 2Its numbers were:
22.3% THC
0.00% CBD

Top three terpenes:
2.070% β – M Y R C E N E
0.476% β – O C I M E N E
0.193% β – C A R Y O P H Y L L E N E

As you can see in my bud-shots the nuggs were medium to small in size, a little larfy, loose in structure (as expected), very attractively covered in shiny trichomes.
My 1/8th was a little over-weight too, thank you Seven Leaves.

I appreciate the growers at Seven Leaves but, when I opened this mylar pouch, I was hit in the face with…not much…just a slight hay smell…that was frankly unexciting and nondescript.

The grind, sadly, was about the same.

The smoke, for me, was even worse, this Colombian Haze from Seven Leaves was like nothing I’ve ever smoked, it tasted like HAY.

I wanted to know what causes Cannabis to taste like hay. My web search turned up two main reasons why it could taste this way.

1. it results from improper cure and a large amount of chlorophyll is still remaining in the buds.
2. you have a really low grade cultivar. (I’m going with this one)

Reviewing this was not enjoyable, I had hard time smoking my joint and frankly, it tasted horrible and I had to put it out about half way through. #cannabiseducation #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #cannabismedicinal #cannabisindustry #cannabismarketing #cannabisnews #cannabispromotion

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Educational reviews to help Medical Cannabis patients find their best medicine. I review Lab-tested Cannabis flowers available in California ☮️ OG

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