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Cultivar Review: Gorilla Cake by JAH Apothecary

#gorillacake by @jah.apothecary

Lineage/Genetics: GG4 x Wedding cake

Original Breeder: MYCOTEK @mycotek

Grower: JAH Apothecary

Terpene Profile: Unknown

#gorillacake Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Gorilla cake 🦍 🎂 is the beast fuel meets flavor type of cultivar. The origins derive from two of the most influential strains in the game, wedding cake x Gorilla Glue 4. Gorilla Cake is the most gassiest in scent of @jah.apothecary three cultivars. The nugs came with marshmallow color trichomes, Magenta purple hues, Moss green leaves, Sandstorm orange color pistils. It has a strong fuel kerosene aroma after the grind.

The scent is pine organic, herbal, floral. The effects are medium cerebral high, inducing slight numbness on the dome. It also has a nice relaxing body high. The high can last about 1.5 hours to 2 hours. The palate brings out earthy, citrus, sweet fruit, dough pungent, hints of fuel taste. The inhale is smooth, ashes were more salt than peppery. Overall I recommend, especially for those looking into vintage tasty cross like this one. Shoutout to @jah.apothecary for this official cultivar. 4.7/5

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