CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Cultivar Review: Grease Monkey by Lowell Farms

Sunday SAP — Pretty solid rating from @lowellfarms this week.

Lineage/Genetics: Gorilla Glue #4 x Cookies and Cream

Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix

Grower: Lowell Farms

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Lowell Farms Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

grease monkey by lowell farms strain review by justin_the_ganjier 2Their Grease Monkey came in at 7.3. The first thing I noticed was a bigger jar. I like the size and think they should use it for all flower from now on!

I’d consider this in the mids. Everything looks good. The aroma and flavor are a partial chord, so it’s still missing notes. I picked up axle grease, cedar, and I thought maybe a whiff of pineapple. The effects are good, balanced physically and cerebrally, so I’d be ok smoking this in just about any situation.

My favorite thing about @lowellfarms is their commitment to local farmers. They highlight and bring attention to legacy farms with special packaging and cultivars you can’t find anywhere else. Not to mention their prerolls are house blends with targeted effects. The current wake up blend is perfect! All in all very cool to see this from a commercial operation! #ganjier #cannabis #sommelier

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I'm a Certified Ganjier who is passionate about craft and legacy cannabis farms in Humboldt and Mendocino counties. My plant knowledge and expertise cover a range of disciplines such as history, botany, genetics, service, and cultivation while my work history demonstrates technical skills and leadership prowess.

I'm looking for impactful opportunities in Humboldt or Mendocino that will give me energy. Quality assessment is the aspect I'm most drawn to, so maintaining those skills is very important to me. Ideally I'd like to be in a role where I can interact with farmers, budtenders, and consumers, like an on-staff Ganjier at a lounge or maybe for a distributor. Being able to check quality at various stages from farm to retail shelf is huge, but at the end of the day caring about the people I work with is the biggest priority.

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Justin Hoegenauer, CG

I'm a Certified Ganjier who is passionate about craft and legacy cannabis farms in Humboldt and Mendocino counties. My plant knowledge and expertise cover a range of disciplines such as history, botany, genetics, service, and cultivation while my work history demonstrates technical skills and leadership prowess. I'm looking for impactful opportunities in Humboldt or Mendocino that will give me energy. Quality assessment is the aspect I'm most drawn to, so maintaining those skills is very important to me. Ideally I'd like to be in a role where I can interact with farmers, budtenders, and consumers, like an on-staff Ganjier at a lounge or maybe for a distributor. Being able to check quality at various stages from farm to retail shelf is huge, but at the end of the day caring about the people I work with is the biggest priority.

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