CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Cultivar Review: Hood Saver by High Mart

#hoodsaver by @highmart__ @highmartcultivation @highmartcalifornia

Lineage/Genetics – Gelato X ((GELATO #45 x GSC(F2))

Original Breeder – Unknown

Grower – High Mart

Terpene Profile – Unknown

Hood Saver Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@highmart__ Tasting event @cookiesinnyc came out to be an epic night of good smoke and network. @highmart__ came like the hood savior before Christmas 🎄 with the hood saver. The Hood Saver’s 🧬 genetics are from the exclusive Gelato X . The Gelato X is a Gelato 45 x GSC F2 .The structure shows vanilla Gelato color trichomes, watermelon skin color buds, hot sauce color pistils. The scent derives from a sweet GSC, earthy, diesel fuel. The palate is a musky fuel pungent woody Gelato 45 zesty citrus pastry spice. The effects are a medium level cerebral high. The buzz starts around 4-6 pulls in, intense heady high lasted for like 1hr and fades to a total of 2 hours. The smoking experience was pleasing and smoke 💨 smooth on the inhale and 😮‍💨. The ashes burned 60/40 more salt than pepper. Overall this Hood Saver has the bag and flower appeal, the taste, scent and high. I wish I would of got some more, but it just do fine for a tasting to review. @highmart__ comes back with bangers after bangers from churros, heat wave, payday and now the hood saver. If you like a hood of Gelato X, try the Hood Saver.. 4/5
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