CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHumboldt CountyHybridsMarijuanaOcimene DominantReviewsSativa DominantStrainsTerpinolene Dominant

Cultivar Review: Jack Herer by Moon Made Farms

Jack Herer From Moon Made Farms

Lineage/Genetics: (Sativa Haze x Northern Lights 5) X Shiva skunk

Original Breeder: Sensi Seeds

Grower: Moon Made Farms

Terpene Profile: Ocimene Dominant, Terpinolene Dominant

Moon Made Farms Jack Herer Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Total THC = 28.88%
Total CBD = 0.0%
Total Cannabinoids = 29.79%

Top Three Terpenes:
Ocimene = 0.9624%
Terpinolene = 0.9470%
beta-Caryophyllene = 0.2760%

Total Terpenes = 2.3454 %

jack herer by moon made farms strain review by ogweedreview 2.jpg

Moon Made Farms is grown under the Sun and Moon in southern Humboldt county.

I got a chance to meet and hang out with Tina Gordon of Moon Made Farms earlier this month at, the Woods, Woody Harrelson’s Dispensary/Consumption lounge in West Hollywood.

She is such an incredible soul, producing some magical flowers up at her Moon Made Farms.

While I was there she was getting feedback on a new product she was working on and one you don’t want to miss.

Their spectacular, one ounce Harvest Queen Colas (Grapes & Cream) one giant, one-ounce nugg, all in an awesome display tube, should be dropping very soon in December.

This was my first time smoking any straight Jack Herer, I’ve only had a few Jack crosses in the past.

I am in love with her clean taste and her incredibly strong, pain canceling capabilities.

Ripping open her pouch releases a stout sweet cleanness of Ocimene and Terpinolene, oh man she smells so fresh…hints of earthy citral sweetness and black pepper.

My 1/8 contained (11), small to medium sized nuggs.

Her nuggs were not the prettiest and imho she lacks bag appeal.

With that being said, what this Jack Herer from Moon Made Farms is lacking in bag appeal is totally made up for in the fullness of the sensations found in her high. 

Setting some fire to this Jack Herer yields a strong HAZE taste that reminds me a lot of Durban Poison.

Smoking her is like a mellow JET FUEL, not jittery but undeniably WIDE ASS – AWAKE, a strong, happy head high with some serious eye pressure 👀, definitely get ready to get up and get your ass moving.

I personally cleaned out my very overdue, wall length, bedroom closet and did some laundry too. That’s a hell of a lot for someone who is disabled.
Moon Made Farms has limited availability here in the LA area, but 
this flower is top-shelf quality, very reasonably priced and well worth searching out.

jack herer by moon made farms strain review by ogweedreview

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