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Cultivar Review: The Black RS by Deep East

The Black RS#BlackRs by @deofarms x @deofarms x @inviteonly_deo

Lineage/Genetics – Sunset Sherb x Rainbow Sherb v2 Pink Guava

Original Breeder: Deep East

Grower: Deep East Farm

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Black RS Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@thebakedbodega x @bakedintraffic

I’m back with more #deofarms this time around with the Black RS. The Black RS is the infamous RS Cross pheno with more sunset sherb x pink guava to sweetened it more. The nugs are darker than the regular RS16. The structure demonstrates the resemblance of RS mac n cheese stigmas, sunset sherb purple beets color hues, green kale buds. The scent is sunset sherb’s pungent aroma blended with Rainbow sherb Pink Guava candy 🍭 and fuel. The high is a medium level cerebral effect, low body high. It was perfect on the wake and bake , good to play basketball with my step son and not feel chest locked. I smoked again after playing and felt the strength and potency that can last for over 2 hours. The ashes burned super clean, more salt with hints of pepper ash. The inhale is smooth full of sherb and rainbow notes. I started feeling the high 4-5 pulls in. This make me reminisce of the first time I smoked RS. It also brought nostalgic memories of the first time I smoked Rs54. The Black Rs smoked better to me than The Jelly. The high matches up to it and the black Rs has better taste. Overall you can’t go wrong with the Black RS. Shoutout to the good people at @inviteonly_deo @deofarms @deepeast for the consistency. Shoutout to @thebakedbodega & @bakedintraffic for making it happen.. Black RS – 4.5/5

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