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Cultivar Review: Tsunami by Viola

#Tsunami by @viola x @therealbrickellboyz x @alharrington3

Lineage/Genetics – Marshmallow Runtz x bay Biscotti x Guava

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Viola

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Assist by: Astor Club NYC @astorclubnyc x @theastorclubnyc

Cultivated in California

Tsunami Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

tsunami by viola strain review by letmeseewhatusmokin

@astorclubnyc x @theastorclubnyc hosted former NBA/ Cannabis entrepreneur @alharrington3’s company @viola in collaboration with Miami’s own @therealbrickellboyz Tsunami 🌊 Drop. Tsunami is the triple threat of Marshmallow Runtz x Biscotti x Guava. It was cultivated on Coco & Guam , indoor organic. First and foremost the bag is one of the highlights of this cultivar. The yacht 🛥️ bag is unique and exclusive to display this cultivar. The nugs’s structure showed Runtz features. Tsunami’s nugs were medium and small buds, decorated in Miami Beach green palm trees calyx & leaves 🍃. The Brickell’s sun color pistils, viola purple color hues, marinated in buckwheat flour color trichomes. The scent of candy, guava, clean linen, Runtz on the aroma. The palate is a blend of a caryophyllene spice/ citrus limonene. I taste the candy of the Runtz mix with clean linen guava with the pungent biscotti on the exhale 😮‍💨 . The effects resulted in an immediate onset, long lasting high for about 2.5hrs. I also experienced a great body high. The heady intensity can last an 1hr. The ashes resport came in 60/40 more salt than pepper on @elementspapers -4/5 on the smoke experience, 50/50 on the @ocbpapers – 3/5 on the experience & 60/40 on raw papers – 4/5 on the experience. Overall Tsunami has the appeal, taste, scent and effects. I say the only improvement should be on the smoke experience it can be a bit cleaner on the intake . The inhale and exhale were bitter sweet. I experience some smoothness ending with a slight harshness. In conclusion, Tsunami unique lineage and great effects makes the ride reasonable, relaxing & perfect to release the stress. Shoutout to @viola & @therealbrickellboyz @alharrington3 for the opportunity to review the Tsunami . Big shoutout to @astorclubnyc for always keeping me inside the loop.. Tsunami 🌊— 4/5

Letmeseewhatusmokin Ratings

5- perfect smoke, appeal, effects, nose & palate
4.9- 4.5 —- close to perfect but not quite/
4.5-4- good but not close to perfect
4-3.5 — reasonable for ticket – room for improvement
3.5 – 3 – still reasonable, might be attracted by two – three things on the cultivar ..
3- 2.5 – needs work work work – (Rihanna voice)
2.5 – 2 – 1 — needs to be revamped or probably should be cut off

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