Cultivar Review: Under the Rainbow (Zkittlez) by Watson Supply
Under The Rainbow ⬇️🌈 (Zkittlez) by
Grower: Watson Supply
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Under the Rainbow Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
This past week my friend and I Who I Hunt with tried many Zs and Z crosses. Always have Z around in one way shape or form at all times so I would say i have a good baseline on my palate for Z. Been a huge watson fan for the last couple years pretty much originally loving their SharkfinSoup and Cold Heat (which i have a review of go read it🔥). They came out the gate swinging for the fences providing great clean tree that was potent and delivered a great taste experience. It was a must cop for sure. The smell is reminiscent of those old great batches of Z that made us all fall in love circa late 2017-2018 for me. Very reminiscent of Proper Doinks Z which i reviewed as well and thoroughly loved inside and out.
This was definitely one of the more fruit forward Zs that I have tried with a very slight candy funk backend. Almost smelled like a Seltzer. Really was digging the smell on this one for sure. Like a cross between a citrussy fruit and a bag of tropical skittles. In some aspects it reminded me of some recent moonbow that i had. The inhale taste translated a tad different with a grapefruit and lemon candy taste when lit up. This Z gave off a mellow but very very nice chill high that creeps up to make you feel relaxed and cozy. Very solid in a joint, she retained flavor for the majority of the joint and it was a pleasure to smoke. Definitely up there with some of the really good Z batches floating around at the moment. Every time it is Watson i know it will be a quality and flavorful experience. Stay tuned for more Z reviews. Was thinking of putting all of the recent Zs we have into a bracket for a friendly competition but we smoked the majority of it so probably just all dropping in review format 😂😂 Thoughts and comments below LungFood™️

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Documenting my hunt to find 10/10 smoke. From small batch to hype flower from the West/East coast and everything in between 🌱 NYC🗽🏙