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Cultivar Review: ZprinkleZ by Fresh VibeZ Flower Co


Lineage/Genetics: (Dolato 41 x Moonbow) #1

original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Fresh VibeZ Flower Co

terpene Profile: Unknown

ZprinkleZ Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

@freshvibezflowerco is a hype-worthy small batch cultivator in the ‘traditional’ market. Let’s dive in!

Appeal 90/100
Beautiful arrays of greens, purps, & blues w/ neon orange pistils & a shining trich layer. Great solid cookie dense nugged structure, but still having nice leafy-depths & a semi-open structure revealing thick trichome clusters w/ nice defined heads in the inners. The nugs are mid size, somewhat squat, but w/ a chunky build, partial quarter fox tailed curls build upwards to a nice crowning. The nugs have a crisp proper dried outside finish, but the inner snap reveals a pull apart w/ nice moisture, some grease, & a trichome stretch ranging from mostly small length to a few long ones. Decently sticky, especially the more you go at it. Z strains are not the craziest looking strains, but the grower nailed this & brought it to peak appeal.

Aroma: 93/100
Sweet, purple candy gelato cream, a zkittlez candy floral note, w/ a runtz type earthyness. It has a velvety lavender grape & cookie herbal base, it also carries a swampy, musky, funk, w/ a hint of 💩 to it. An undertone of freezer burn and lemon/pine gas is more present in the break up. The thick cookie hides a hint of skunky cheesiness under the milky sweet frosty candy ice cream tone. (Z, Desert, cookie, funky, gas) (pretty loud & complex)

Burn: 95/100 ash:95/100 taste: 93/100
Drip: 96/100
Clean burn, white ash w/ a little pepper that flushes out whiter w/ the thorough burn. Drips a Monster terp ring. The taste was strong & matched the aroma, but w/ an even stronger cookie funk, defined zkittlez/41/runtz terps, & an earthy swampy musk. Smooth with slight gassy pressure.

Effect: 94/100 potency 91/100
Strong headband, red low eyes, but with some euphoric focus and good uplifted mood. Cone finished easy, but with toasty strong effects that lasted 2.5hours. Very clean & enjoyable.

Overall: 93.5/100
Very satisfied, amazing quality grow. Checks all boxes. So clean & tasty. Smoke category is prime! Beautiful Z strain. This was just a warm up the best are yet to come! Macros tomorrow!

NFSOT! 21+
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