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Cultivar: The Adventures of Mamey Milk Man by Mamey’s Bodega

The adventures of Mamey Milk 🥛 man .. by @imperialclub_official x @_b_i_g_waves @mameysbodega

Lineage – Skywalker OG x Maui Mango 🥭 Diesel

Brand: Imperial Club x BIG WAVES x Mamey’s Bodega

Dispensary: Queens Cannabis Clubs @queens_cannabis_clubs

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Adventures of Mamey Milk Man Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

the adventures of mamey milk man by mamey's bodega strain review by letmeseewhatusmokinThis is the first time I review #mameysbodega work, The adventures of Mameys Milk Man . I copped this at #queenscannabisclub on their grand opening day, the flower is from a September drop. The way this smoke was burning is heat resin ring 60/40 more salt than pepper. The taste is a sweet mango diesel fuel woody palate . The scent gave me gsc/ gelato vibes, sweet, floral, fuel on the grind. The effects are a heavy intense cerebral high for like 1hr30 min. Overall high can last 2 hours real potent effects even for the body. The nugs were small and micro nugs, spinach artichoke color buds, mango color pistils. I smoked it on elements paper using a rip tip to taste the flavors — 4/5 on the smoke experience. In conclusion, I receive a great impression on my first review of @mameysbodega @imperialclub_official . The appeal wasn’t my favorite, the effects, taste, scent were 👍🏽. It get two 👍🏽 👍🏽 for bring harvest in sept still smoking good 2023. — the adventures of Mameys Milk Man – 4.2/5 —-
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Yo @duskopoppington need to release this on reels —

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