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Dab Review: GMO Live Rosin Jam by One Plant

GMO 🧅 🧄 live rosin Jam – @oneplant.fl

Lineage/Genetics: Forum Cut GSC x Chemdawg

Original Breeder: Mamiko Seeds

Grower/Processor: One Plant

Terpene Profile: Unknown

GMO Live Rosin Jam Review

GMO has that unique flavor and taste that I can’t stop coming back for when I’m dabbing . On top of it I love this unique consistency I get from the rosin jam , compared to cold cure or fresh press. I almost wish I could spread it on bread 🥖 and make garlic bread for my pasta 🍝. Overall love this gmo jam

🧬 Chem D x Girl Scout Cookies
👅 The exhale is my favorite part of dabbing these Terps. it’s all garlic 🧄 , This jam left such a stank taste in my mouth 😮‍💨. I was afraid to kiss my wife because that after taste was that stanky and garlicky.
👃 once I twisted open the jar there was just this stank in the area. It was that distinct pungent GMO aroma that has you smelling the jar all day. It’s that bad smell you keep going back for .
🧠 the effects left me a nice buzz and that fuck it feeling . #gmoliverosinjam #gmojam #liverosin #liverosinjam #rosinjam #miami #florida #cannabis #cannabisreview #cannabisphotography

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