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Dab Review: Sundae Biscotti Hash Rosin by Rabz Dabz

Sundae 🍨Biscotti {hash rosin}- @rabz_dabz

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Biscotti x Sundae Driver

Breeder: Cannarado Genetics

Processor: Rabz Dabz

Rabz Dabz Sundae Biscotti Hash Rosin Review

👅 sweet earthy taste to it
👃 sweet cream smell with hints of earth &pine to it
🧠 after my first exhale 😮‍💨 I could feel all this tension in my forehead loosen up and then after a few minutes I felt a nice body buzz and munchies came soon after that. Great for an afternoon chill sesh because it didn’t couch lock 🛋 🔒 me but gave me a nice chill but provided a creative focus to get my day time tasks done while still having fun and relaxed from whatever was previously bothering me #rabzdabz #cannabis #cannabisconcentrate #concentrates #rosin #hashrosin #hream #hash #sundaebiscotti #miami #florida #cannabisreviews #cannabisphotography

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