ConcentratesDispensariesHash RosinLive RosinMarijuanaOregonReviewsSolventlessStrains

Dab Review: Wedding Cake Live Rosin by Bonsai Solventless

This Bonsai Solventless single source Wedding Cake (Animal Mints x Triangle Kush) live rosin has a kind of sweet funky citrus earth smell to it with notes of pine or mint 🎂🌱🍋🌲 It was pretty light at first, but the smell came out more as I made my way though the gram.

Lineage/Genetics: Animal Mints x Triangle Kush

Grower/Processor: Bonsai Solventless

Delivered By: The Potland

Wedding Cake Live Rosin Review

The badder has light color with great texture to it, although a little dry on the inside.

The flavor is a nice sweet earthy citrus cake with pine that tingles my nose quite a bit when dabbing. Kinda light but nice. I did notice some harshness in my throat after dabbing this hash rosin unfortunately. It kinda lingered for a bit too and happened consistently.

As far as the high, it was a bit more in my head than I was expecting 🤯 It had some solid body relief as well and I was definitely couch locked after dabbing this Wedding Cake 😴

Made 4/29/21

Tested 5/6/21

Honest Reviews 🕵️

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Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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The Sophisticated Dabber

Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!

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