EdiblesGummiesHashNew YorkReviewsVegan

Edible Review: Chilled Cherries Hash Gummies by ama extracts

#chilledcherries (milk bone x motor breath 15) by @amaextracts

Grower – Higher Growth Gardens @highergrowthgardens

Processor: ama Extracts

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Chilled Cherries Hash Gummies Review

chilled cherries hash gummies by ama extracts edibles review by letmeseewhatusmokin200 mg
Todays review is all about @amaextracts chilled cherries 🍒 (watermelon flavored)full spectrum 200mg fruit hash gummies . They are made of fruits, agave, no gelatin. That’s why I decided to do some edibles to give my lungs a rest and still enjoy a decent reasonable high. The watermelon 🍉 flavor blend with the hash sour savor is priceless. I’ve have tasted a variety of gummy edibles, this gummies had a strong hash flower relish right after you start chewing.

The buzz is felt about 30 min after consuming. I took about 3 pieces to see if it reach its potential. The peak is felt about an hour after consuming but starts fading on and off blending with body high for like 2.5 hours . The best feature of this excellent edible is that it doesn’t give anxiety to smoke a joint after the edible high is gone. Instead it gives you the satisfaction as if you already smoked. I took 3 pieces at 9:11 am high ended around 12 pm and smoke my first joint around 5pm.

The after effects kept me in motion for about 5 hours before my first smoke of the day. Overall these gummies are not to play around. First and foremost is made with real fruits and natural ingredients, the high keeps the body mind focus and satisfy the urge of smoking . Shoutout to @amaextracts for putting the time and work on this elite edible snack. Shoutout @loyalty7_icmag – 5/5 ——
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Check out more reviews by @lms1__186 on Instagram and Social Club! (https://www.instagram.com/lms1__186/) Also https://www.instagram.com/lms2__186/ for the backup. Social Club: https://www.socialclub.cc/user/letmeseewhatusmokin/

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