Edibles Review: Raspberry Fruit Chews by SUPERCHILL
@superchillaf Raspberry cannabis Infused Fruit chews – 200 mg thc / 40 mg per piece
Cannabis Infused Raspberry Fruit Chews Review
Made of Raspberry- ingredients are clean no artificial ingredients and is a vegan product . The cannabis extract used is barely tasted, it’s more fruit based on the palate . The effects are felt about 20 min after intake . I felted a cerebral high, followed by a body high. I ain’t going to lie, the effects caught me by surprise .
When I least expected I was on a euphoric trip. Super chill kept me super chill for a wake and bake experience were I was running late to work to roll a joint and took two fruit chews to feel elevated on 80 mg of thc. The effects last about an 1 hour high cerebral and like 4 hours body high.
I highly recommend it to start the day and try not to smoke to feel the benefits of this flavorful edible. The effects contained my anxiety to smoke till I got home 8 hours later. Overall Super chill fruit chews are worth the try especially if you like edibles and looking for vegan options. Shoutout to @reel_roll_relax for the blessings.. 5/5
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