Hash Review: Garlic Cookies Rosin by Squishy Scientific
Here’s a reminder that it doesn’t take the latest, hypest gear to produce world class re$in. While it may be a stretch to call this cultivar a “classic,” she’s definitely been around for a while and maintains a place in the hearts of today’s makers. This particular sample is divine.
Cultivar: Garlic Cookies
Originally bred by: Mamiko Seeds @mamikoseeds
Cultivated by: Illumination Craft Cannabis @illuminationcraftcannabis
Made by: Squishy Scientific @squishyscientific
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Squishy Scientific Garlic Cookies Rosin Review

Appearance: This batter has a peachy blonde color that is really nice. It appears dry until room temp, where it takes on a lovely sheen. No visible impurities at this point. Jarring/gramming is also solid.
Aroma: This is where she starts to shine. Opening a jar releases a cocktail of garlic, onion and paint thinner that assaults the nose from arm’s length. Truffle, lemon, mandarin, pine needles and papaya are examples of supporting notes that add layer after layer of complexity.
Flavor: Fruit/Earth/Sweet/Fuel is the profile and it’s so complex and interwoven that it can be difficult to pinpoint specific flavors. If this were anything other than a Dank Maven review, we’d probably leave it at that. Dank soil, lime candy, dried apricots are the first flavors we notice. The palate is treated to a Skittly lemon-lime oil slick that lingers between hits. Higher temps bring garlic and onion to the fore. We tend to enjoy the brighter flavors and sheer complexity available in the cooler hits, but it shows a lot of depth and there’s plenty of exploring to do with this one should you be so inclined.
Experience: We found this to be a quick hitter with predictable, moderately intense effects that are very relaxing and inviting. While head effect is stronger than body, there is more noticeable relief in the lower extremities than what we often get from dabs. That’s a plus in our books and another example of the quality here.

For educational purposes only, nothing for sale or trade
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