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Hash Review: Grape Pie Rosin by Normichmatt

@Normichmatt – Grape Pie

Lineage: Cherry Pie x Grape Stomper

Original Breeder: Cannarado Genetics

Processor: Normichmatt

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Normichmatt Grape Pie Rosin Review

grape pie rosin by normichmatt hash review by nc_rosin_reviews 2

Grape seemed to be a recurring terp in my life lately. This was part of a recent pickup of some new strains that blew me away! I had to stop myself from finishing these jars. LOVE these outdoor terps because they always POP with the smell and flavor. Just really yummy Rosin that gets you excited to dab 😃😁 I can’t wait to see what Normichmatt has in store for 2023 💯👌I know he’s got a special year ahead ✨️

Lets hit genetics real quick which is ‘Grape Stomper x Cherry Pie’. This defintley stomped oit some grape terps boiii.The initial smell intensity of this jar was medium strengthed. Now I’ll admit up front that grape terps to me aren’t my favorite unless it’s done right. THIS jar of ‘Grape Pie’ 🍇 had the right balance of grape-to-pie ratio that didn’t overpower the tastes – REALLY enjoyed this one a lot. Again with the outdoor terps just POPPING out!! Grape is the dominant flavor here – a very straightforward smell that just ratchets up the more you inhale through your nose. That pie smell disappears and you are left with this candied sourish grape that reminds me of the inside of a bag of grape Haribo candy!! 😮 This is a wild one! The consistency reminded me of Antigravity Solventless ‘Seabiscuit A1’ which was dripyyy. I took a few rips through the Proxy and the taste was a deep gas hashy grape that was straightforward and potent. Strongest grape terps I’ve had to date 💯 Grape gas is such a potent flavor to me – very overpowering like ‘Rosé’. If I have an opportunity to get more of this I think I’ll def do that & some of the ‘Banana Punch’ 😋 Terps galore boys and girls!

Really enjoyed this one and was such a flavorful jar of Rosin 😍 Normichmatt again with the W <he don’t miss> Keep an eye out on his page for future projects – and an eye on my page for more reviews of some of his phenomenal outdoor Rosins 😀

grape pie rosin by normichmatt hash review by nc_rosin_reviews

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