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Hash Review: Strawberry Jelly Live Rosin by Papa and Barkley

Strawberry Jelly FP

Cultivated by: Booney_acres

Processed by: papa and Barkley

Lineage/Genetics: Sour Strawberry x Jellybreath

Original Breeder: Unknown

Strawberry Jelly Fresh Press Live Rosin Review

THC content: 76%
Package date: 01/18/2023

strawberry jelly fresh press live rosin by papa and barkley hash review by reviews_by_jude 2

Appearance: Like a golden puddle of translucent nectar fit for the gods themselves! This is some beautiful fresh pressed live hash rosin. I tried Papa and Barkley at their booth at emerald years ago and fell in love with their hash. They always put out amazing quality and this is no different. If you see papa select on the jar you just know what’s inside is going to look great. Besides the visual appearance of this rosin the texture was straight up pull and snap shatter or Hammond. It’s the most structurally sound rosin I’ve ever felt. Haven’t snaked any up yet but I imagine it’ll be easy to work with.

Aroma: Fresh out of the fridge this one is pretty subtle. After leaving it out for a minute or two it starts express a mixed berry jam type of smell. After giving it a stir I’m starting to get a sugar sweet strawberries and cream hard candy type of aroma. It’s candy like but like a candy that you would find at a Trader Joe’s or Nugget market. Lastly I’m getting some kind of mintyness like a kids toothpaste.
Super pleasant smell that only gets louder as I let it get to a more ambient temperature the full fruity bouquet comes out to play. Strawberry watermelon with almost cucumber and elderflower hints. Absolute knock out aroma once it warms up.

strawberry jelly fresh press live rosin by papa and barkley hash review by reviews_by_jude

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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