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Hash Review: Zkittlez Rosin Batter by Hand Made Hash x Mendoja Farms

Zkittlez @handmade.hash @mendojafarms

Grower: Mendoja Farms

Processor: Hand Made Hash

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Hand Made Hash Zkittlez Hash Rosin Review

zkittlez rosin batter by hand made hash x mendoja farms hash review by cali_bud_reviews

🙏 @macknterpz 🙏

CC Appeal: 9.75/10
Thick & creamy rosin batter, but super wet, viscous, & saucy, drenched in clear shining greasy terps. It’s impressively clean & clear, showing off its suspended white speckles & milky white creamy swirls deep beneath the white-beige & amber gold complexion. The Whip reveals thick creaminess that instantly melts into a wet saucy goop. The Surface is buddery, creamy, waxy and scoops like stretchy cake batter.

Terps: 9.75/10
Sweet, sour, sugary, citrusy, gassy kush based rainbow candy fuel sugary, with heavy lime, grapefruit, and a sour lemon candy cleaner fuel that has that unique aqua chlorine backing. The sweet & sour honey is thick behind the sour candy citrus fuel. The grape, berries, freezer burn & pinementh pungency blend with light touches of lavenders, dryer sheet florals, doughy creaminess, & an orange citrus cream. The gassy-pungent fuel complexion also has a sour dankness, diesel, & skunky kush. The nose was pretty loud & the permeating gas layer fills the room like the foyer of your local dispensary.

Vapor: 9.7/10 Taste: 9.79/10
The Vapor translates all the above mentioned terps perfectly, in the same ratios- although the sweetNsour, grapeNberry freezer burn & skunky orange citrus are enhanced here . The Vapor is Intense with complex gases, & ferocious lime salt candy citrus that bring on a sweat breaking expando lung; & eye watering pungency. all while clearly translating sugary rainbow candy zkittlez terps the whole way through. Sweet n sour honey & lemon aqua cleaner stain the mouth for the aftertaste.

Effects: 9.65/10 Potency: 9.71/10
The Onset is also intense. The heart rate increases while a fat head rush kicks in. The initial onset has energy & focus. But the head is heavy with cloudiness & face pressure- that builds up behind the eyes & that eventually gives way into a headband buzz with low red eye as the full melt and mild couch lock relaxation settle in for the rest of the 3hr duration. Small dabs have chronic effects & intense potency. Love the Euphoric, Stoney face buzz.

Overall: 9.75/10

This was an excellent representation of zkittlez. The second best I’ve had so far, My previous HMH Z jar was collabed with royal budline, it was the most expensive jar I’ve had & also the best zkittlez I ever had. Since then I’ve been longing to try the mendoja zkittlez collab next, which doesn’t have as much of an astronomical ticket but does have tons of reputation- and thanks to @macknterpz last week i was finally able to make this exclusive review happen. This one was really close to that one in a lot of ways. The terps had that same gassy candy citrus kush based z profile that I tend to prefer over the types that are excessively doughy and dominated by florals. & The Vapor had a similar intense pungent based delivery with nice potent effects. But comparing them side by side the royal was more intense on the nose, expando lung & potency but The mendoja was a lot less of a ticket. All around I’m thrilled on this Jar & its performance. If I had to pick between this jar and the royal, I would actually pick this one die to the flame to price ratio, but pound for pound the royal was better but that was to be expected with the substantial difference in ticket.

zkittlez rosin batter by hand made hash x mendoja farms hash review by cali_bud_reviews 2.jpg


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