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Pre-roll Review: Perfect Storm 1 by CDF Pre Rolls

@checkdaflx CDF Pre Rolls — hand rolled on @elementspapers
Flower – Perfect Storm 1 by @thekolektor x @kolektors_why_oze

Lineage – divine Kush x triangle Kush

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Kolektors

Roller: CDF Pre Rolls

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Perfect Storm 1 CDF Pre Rolls Review

CDF pre rolls by my stoner bro @checkdaflx is made for perfection. The pre rolled joint is hand rolled on @elementspapers. The flower is the perfect storm cultivated by nyc 🗽 cultivators @thekolektors. From the paper tip to lighting this joint it’s a perfect smoking experience. You can tell from the way it’s roll the man put time in his work. The flower is fresh based on the color of the ashes . The ashes are clean salt 🧂 with a nice resin ring for decoration.

The effects of the flower starts around 5-6 pulls in. It creeps up with a medium level cerebral high. It has a balanced body high, not slouchy, great for a wake n bake. The palate is earthy, herbal, hint of citrus, light spicy on the inhale. You can definitely taste the sensation of this Kush infested pre roll. The smell of the perfect storm is a fuel kerosene og kush aroma. The high lasted about 1.5 hour, good for those that enjoy the quick high not to be too zooted .

I feel somethings it’s good to smoke that type of weed that will keep you active, depending the occasion . I smoked it on a wake and bake and clipped it 3 times and was able to concentrate on my work. Overall I enjoyed the pre roll and like the flower too.. shoutout to @checkdaflx and @thekolektors for the flower .. Roll – 4.9/5 – flower – 4.4/5

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