CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Bad Apple by Connected California

Bad Apple 🍎 🍏

Lineage/Genetics: [Atomic Apple X Xeno #10]

Original Breeder: Connected California

Powered By: @connected.california
Cultivated By: @connected.california

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bad Apple Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Class: Branded Exotic [WestCoast]
Flavor Line: Self-titled

As you open this jar, it comes off as truly invigorating as notes of fruit, musk, sour tang, and gas rocket off of this flower. I can see where its namesake comes from, and as a lover of the type of heady hit apple strains deliver when mixed with sours, my brain was hungry to break this down and see what was going on with it. As I pearled it up alone I took a dry inhale to sample it, and that sour and sweet lay down on your tongue heavy. All in all in the flavor department, this is pretty well rounded.

As I took the first few strikes, I noticed the buzz of activity start up the base of my neck into my head. It gives you a mood boost, slight boost of energy/interest followed by that as well and the flavor comes through so full-bodied in the exhale. You may find yourself up and about, if not someplace where you’re talking. I was alone at home as I first sampled this, and halfway through the high got me focused, floating, and wanting to explore. That energy of high transfers fully into the muscles and relaxing specifically the ones in your back, as well as your legs. Some truly heavy Limonene/Pinene hits in this. Up towards the end of the high you’ll find that stimulants settle in your whole head and back but you will also discover the rest of your body is now more relaxed than you’ve noticed. All that energy you will see has transferred into a dragging state. Overall, this is a great mood boost. It creates a standard of euphoria, and a classic sour strain body glow that’s great for work or also other interests if you have issues with focus, or anxiety.

Some real dope stuff here from the Connected crew, and with the lineage behind this company there isn’t anything I expected less. Depending on the jar you grab, some of those dispo jars have some legit fire in them. I recommend this.

Consistent, clean, distinctive terpene profile, and effect longevity: 2-2.5 hours

This gets a standard 7.0/10.0 from me

bad apple by connected california strain review by dopamine

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DOPE, THE REVIEWER! Now Featured on The Highest Critic ⭐️ Young Mogul 👺 DMV ‼️ Culture Artist & Cannabis Reviewer. Creator of // #DOPAMINE 🧠

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