Cultivar Review: Beso de la Muerte by Deep East
#besodelamuerte by @deepeast x @deofarms x @inviteonly_deo
Lineage/Genetics – Zoap (Pink Guava #16 X Rainbow Sherbet X F2) x YBX2 115 (backcross)(Cherry Pie x Cookies)
Original Breeder: Deep East
Grower: DEO Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Beso de la Muerte Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
@thebakedbodega x @bakedintraffic Beso De La Muerte, the kiss of Death is the actually meaning and purpose to this exclusive flower. The taste will give you a kiss and the high will make the brain release dopamine to have the body and mind feeling like if you were in Heaven . The partnership of Rainbow sherb scents with pink guava after taste savor. The palate is dominated by Zoap detergent fragrance blend with earthy cherry pie pungent cookie dough fuels of the YBX2. The nugs have a resemblance to the Zoap, due to the structure and hues colors. The after taste of the spicy sweet fuel flavors is the memorable highlight of this smoking experience. The high is medium high level cerebral effects. I enjoy the high so much I almost finish the whole 🎱 in one day . It’s can be a couch locker but it had me eyes low, focus working on an interview . I also smoked it before going to sleep and it helped me relax. The ashes had a good color at first, then darken during the sesh. It had more salt than pepper on the ash. I still enjoyed this flower because of the benevolent relish and euphoric outcome. The high starts aroud 7-8 pulls in, can last about 2- 3 hours. Overall it’s the best one I’ve had from the New drops of #deofarms . I like the Black RS, the jelly was more high than taste, cherry drip bad smoking experience. This one had a bit of both, flavor & effects. It has a pristine flavor and unforgettable gleeful experience. Beso 💋 de la MUERTE 💀- 4.7/5 —- . . . . . . #deepeast #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #weedgram #cannabisconnoisseur👌 #cannabisindustry #weedsociety #weedreviews #share
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