Cannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaMichiganReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Blue Nina by Apothecare Ann Arbor, MI

Blue Nina

Lineage Genetics: Blue Dream x Nina Limone

Original Breeder: Colorado Seed

Cultivator: Apothecare Michigan

Terpene Profile: Unknown


Michigan Apothercare Blue Nina Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Taste/Smell: Blueberry, Lemon, Yogurt Funk with a Mint/Menthol backend

Typical Effects: Very stoney, amazing thoughts and makes you want to “Do” things

Short Review: Very stoney, uplifted, strong Sativa leaning high

Picked this up at Apothecare in Ann Arbor, MI mid April, 2023. Harvest date: 3/17/23. Testing date: 4/02/23, tested by: SC labs



Wendy’s legal department needs to get in touch with Apothecare, because this flower looks like a Frosty! It’s so completely iced out in trichomes, that you can barely tell what color the flower is. The bud is a light pastel lime green/pastel peach, with a few darker green parts sticking out here and there. But unless you look at this up close with a loop or on your camera, it just appears light pastel green with white everywhere, because of the insane amount of frosty goodness covering it. Big fluffy buds typical of a Sativa and sticky to the touch as well.

Looks = 4.5 out of 5



The second the extremely nice budtender at Apothecare opened the jar for me, I knew this was one of my favorite smells I’ve ever had the pleasure to sample. STRONG blueberry, lemon, yogurt funk with a hint of mint/menthol and a bit earthy. This is heaven. It smells a lot like these Blueberry Lemon Ricotta pancakes I used to get at the best breakfast/brunch spot in Columbus, OH by the name of Brunch (RIP thanks to Covid ). This is delicious and one of my favorites of all time!

Smell = 5 out of 5



The flavor is very similar to the smell, just not quite as strong. The earthy flavor comes out just a bit more, but it still has that incredible light blueberry, lemon, yogurt funk, minty type flavor that comes through when you open the jar. The flavor is in my top 10 of all time. And this is coming from someone that thinks 95% of all cannabis smells about the same. It’s SO good.

Flavor = 4.5 out of 5



The high on this is a bit perplexing seeing as how it’s a Sativa leaning hybrid, but in a good way. Normally I think of Sativa leaning strain as being more clear headed, uplifted, energetic, fun, happy, and just making your mood completely better. And it does do a lot of that. But it comes on REALLY stoney for the first 40 mins. Like just buzzing, introspective, considerate, staring at your screen stoned. The entire time you just have a stupid grin on your face. Very spacey and feeling as if time has no relevance at all where you are. Very much in outer space inside your head. It’s a blast! This is the type of high you want on the beach, when doing yoga, going for a hike in the Mountains, listening to music, hanging out with a good friend or being with your wife or partner. Which brings me to my next point, It also makes you very horny! Every time I’ve used this, I’m ready to recreate the Karma Sutra with my partner! It’s wild. Never had a strain make me feel so aroused so often and lets just say the actual sex is out of this world and seemingly lasts forever. The only strain I’ve had that is even close to this in terms of how “excited” it makes you feel is Sunshine no.4.

The first 20-40 mins has you not very talkative, not very upbeat, or very energetic. Just in outer space and stoned out of your mind and it’s been borderline green out a few times. But never gets too close. I can always tell I’ll be fine. But beginners or people that are susceptible to paranoia should be careful.

Then after the initial super stoney feeling starts to ware off a bit, it starts in with the super happy feelings, laughing at every thing and every “amazing” idea, incredible thoughts, mood changing and becoming happier by the second. Great feelings and ideas start swirling through your brain and you know you’re in for a great ride! I feel really happy, laughing at things, my mood going from the dumps to the clouds as the seconds tick by. This is how you want to feel all the time. Kind of child like and innocent and like everything is beautiful and stunning and like you’re seeing it for the fist time. I feel a strong love and connection with my partner and my doggie and this planet and all it’s beauty and creatures. Music is out of this world and ethereal. The euphoria is pretty high at this point, but it doesn’t last as long as you might be hoping for. It’s kind of fleeting with this strain. But man is it strong while it lasts.

This is definitely a 3 tier type high for me. You start with the extremely stoney, spaced out feeling. Then you move on to the super happy, uplifted, amazing thoughts and feelings part. And finally it gently brings you down a bit, to a more relaxed, but very good place. Neither uplifted, nor super chill. Just very content. But the spacey brain feeling keeps going for hours, haha. Very hard to concentrate on things you don’t like or that aren’t super interesting. Not good for just watching TV or Movies. You’ll change your mind about what you want to watch every 5 mins, haha. For music though, it’s fantastic! There’s a little bit of a body buzz and good feelings running through your skin, but it’s mostly in your head. Also wouldn’t be great for going out in public as you might freak out or get really paranoid. Best to save this one for a day you want to fly to outer space inside your own mind and get lost in something you love. And I can’t say this enough, this is one of those strains that will make you feel agitated and lost unless you are DOING something. The paranoia and bad thoughts/feelings can start to creep in if you have no direction or “set and setting” prepared for the next 2-4 hrs. I would highly recommend using this to “do something” while you’re on it. Something that doesn’t require a lot of thought or coordination though, haha.

Medical uses would be: creativity, definitely great for depression, to lift your mood, mild stress relief and mild relaxation. Will give you some medium munchies.

The intensity of the high is somewhere around a 4.5 out of 5. It’s pretty close to extremely strong.

The High is a 4.5 out of 5



Will DEFINITELY buy this again anytime I’m almost out and going to be near Apothecare in Ann Arbor! This is a very unique high compared to most of the millions of boring/generic/lazy/super relaxed/weak high/foggy brained feeling Indica hybrids that dominate the market in Michigan and the rest of the country. It’s definitely not a straight Sativa type high and has some pretty strong Indica influence in there. But… overall, I’d classify it as a Sativa leaning hybrid and a very unique one at that. Apothecare has a top strain in this Blue Nina and hopefully they keep putting this out for a long time. There’s not many strains like this anymore.



This was a fantastic flower and one that I keep coming back to after every 3-4 other strains I try. It’s kind of like my home base type of a flower. The smell is one of my favorite ever and the high is very unique and I personally love it.

5 out of 5



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