CanadaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Blue VNM by Mezzero

I really enjoy the blue vnm by (Listed under Mezzero on the OCS).

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry and White Widow

Original Breeder: G13 Labs

Grower: Mezzero

Dispensary: Ontario Cannabis Store

Blue VNM Strain Review

The first thing I noticed about this strain taking it out of the bag was the bud structure. I was impressed with the moisture content and the denseness of the nugs. The smell was potent and sweet, kind of like fruit loops and spices. Blue venom is a strain noted for this distinct profile, being a cross of Blueberry and White Widow. The buzz was nice and chill. The terp combo of limonene, myrcene and guaiol gave me the creative vibes, enough so that I ended up making strange decisions and cutting my hair super short.

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