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Strain Review: Candy Rain by Backpack Boyz x 5 Points LA

#candyrain @5_points_la @2713ent @backpackboyz__oakland @5points.ca_ @anti_mids_club @antimidsclub.official @thethcspot @thefirescale @zerofuxthecannabisconnoisseur

Lineage/Genetics🧬: LCG x Z Pheno

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Backpack Boyz x 5 Points LA

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Candy Rain Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

candy rain by backpack boyz x 5 points la strain review by phenomenalreviews

Pckg: 10/31/22
THC: 32.071% CBD: 0.274%

Had tried the Sherb Money & gelato kid strain with same name before so was expecting high standards and quality as the name sake prior.
The taste on inhale was a burst of fruity and candy terps, more on the sweet with slight sour side than a fruity creamy candy flavor……accented with notes of subtle sweet gassy goodness. Good pressure😤😤, very smooth and clean smoke 💨. The exhale was a complex candy 🍬 terp, layers of different notes going thru palate from a sour cherry to a flavorful blueberry candy then back to a slight sweet ending to coat the tongue and taste buds.
The head high was immediate, moderate strength. Good euphoria with nice calming stoniness to the mind, slight focus and minimal haze with no couch 🔒. Happy mood enhancing, anti depression and calming/tranquil cerebral properties. The body was was just as present as the head high, complimenting the calming either a good relaxing vibe, not overly sedative but good enjoyable high. Anti anxiety, relaxation and slight pain relief properties present.

Taste: 9.5 High: 9.5

Overall: A1+🔥🔥💨💨💚💚💚

I’m very critical with flower from this brand and especially with such a name on the bay but may I say this checks all the marks and more….properly named, properly enjoyed……I mean just a little room for improvement and dialing in a bit more but it’s a good one to try if you see a fresh batch of it 🫡🤩

#candyrain #backpackboyz #backpackboyzlosangeles #backpackboyzlbc #5points #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #wedontsmokethesame #levelstothissmoke💨 #smokebetter #smokedifferent🔥 #qualityoverquantity #pickiestofthestickiest #thefloracle #fresherpressure #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

candy rain by backpack boyz x 5 points la strain review by phenomenalreviews 2

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