Strain Review: Cherry Runtz by Doja Pak
Strain: Cherry Runtz 🍒🥧
Brand: Doja Exclusive aka Doja Pak ( @doja.pak @dukeofdoja @doja_drew
Lineage/Genetics: Runtz X Cherry Pie
Original Breeder: Elev8 Seeds
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Cherry Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Aromas: Right off the bat I was pretty impressed with the aroma as I was picking up a smell that was similar to red cherry expo markers. Adding to that uniqueness, there’s a candy nose that’s almost a copycat smell of cherry flavored cough drops. It’s explosive and carries that Runtz profile of course, and I’m sure it will satisfy any candy lover out there.
Flavors: Exhale was insanely smooth with absolutely no harshness as it carried a flavor profile of sweet candy and a light red cherry expo marker. I would of course recommend this to anyone who enjoys sweet candy flavors but also to someone who is looking for not so powerful and thick of a smoke if you know what I mean. The lung punch on this strain is not intense.
Effects: The first thing I noticed after smoking was a feeling of uplift and a light tingly body buzz that enhanced everything with a calming euphoria. It created a focused pressure behind my eyes that had me zoned in with a creative mindset. It was definitely more of a day smoke as it was not strong enough for me to smoke at night because there’s no heaviness to it so it didn’t help me sleep unfortunately.
Score: 82%
I was excited to try some Doja as I never really pick it up due to not seeing it around too much and also the hefty price tag it carries, so when I saw he had a product line of mixed light flower going out the door for $50, I was eager to try it out. The candy cherry expo marker aroma definitely impressed me and had me passing the bag to my friends to smell. The transition to the flavor was consistent with the aroma and smoothness of the exhale really impressing me as well. The effects were cool but nothing too exciting. Though it definitely has the euphoria, creativity, and uplift you want from that lineage. I’ll probably pick up another strain from his mixed light flower series sometime soon. Cheers 💨

Los Angeles🌴