Strain Review: Creme Dulce by Cartel Money
Creme dulce by cartel money
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Cartel Money
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Creme Dulce Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Look:9.5/10 Smell: 9.7/10 (amazing) Smoke:9/10 Overall:9.5/10 Wow… wow.. wow was all i could say when i opened this up. Instant regret hit me that i didnt get more. It had some of the best candy cream terps ive ever smelled. Super loud too. Buds were smaller but covered in white trichs with pink and purple hues all through the seemingly white buds. The taste was literally like what i imagine smoking a sugar stick would be like. Loved this strain and it was an amazing introduction too cartel money. Cant wait to try more.Check out more reviews by @onlypressure93 on Instagram! (