FlowerHybridsIndica DominantNevadaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Flavor Pack by NLVO Organics

The Flavor Pack aka Flavour Pack strain ! 👅🍎🍊🍓 If you like tasty weed this strain is definitely for you! It’s grown by @nlvo_organics .

Lineage/Genetics: Hollywood Pure Kush x Moonbow

Original Breeder: Archive Seeds

Grower: NLVO Organics

Flavor Pack Strain Review

flavor pack by nlvo organics strain review by everythinghazee 2It’s a Indica Hybrid testing at 22% THC. I really enjoyed this strain. It tastes really good, and also has a nice high. It made my body feel extremely relaxed, this is probably due to the 7.9 mg of #Caryophyllene. According to #Leafly, this is the only known #terpene to activate the endocannabinoid system and provide anti-inflammatory effects, which explains why my body felt like jello! Although it’s a #Indica #hybrid, it just feels like a heavy indica to me & the sleep after is also AMAZING. Highly #recommended !

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Meet Tori Hazee! A blogger who reviews different types of weed strains and edibles as well as wraps, bongs, and papers.

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Meet Tori Hazee! A blogger who reviews different types of weed strains and edibles as well as wraps, bongs, and papers.

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