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Strain Review: Frozen Fuel by B-Eazy Buds

Alright it’s time to get into the next review in the @b_eazybuds3.0 series Frozen Fuel

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: B-Eazy Buds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Frozen Fuel Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Again I’m excited to be included among the reviewers who are getting to sample these flavors, sooo let’s get right into it
These buds were slightly more compressed by the bag than the last but not so much that it ruined the structure of the flower by any means.

This bag contained 5 Medium sized, medium density nuggets. Pale subtle greens, spikes of purple and orange, &lots of kiefy trich coverage gave an almost frozen/frosty appearance to the flower. The feel is more of a powdery kiefy trich coverage more than that super sticky resin.

The Nose out of the bag was very reminiscent of a floral gelato profile with an extra fuel kick, but not gas in the OG ‘gasoline’ sense it reminds me more of a propane or kerosene, but while the smell is pleasant it’s not overly powerful.

As you grind down the flower is fluffs up nicely bringing out some buried notes pushing it more into the floral soapy realm with fuel undertones
The taste was a mild but pleasant sweet fuel on the inhale with a subtle minty spice on the exhale.. The subtle complexities in the aroma that lend to soapy floral notes don’t translate over to the taste as much as I’d like to see but hopefully they can pull them out as they further dial it it.

The effect came on sneakily about halfway through the Joint which burned with a medium grey ash, and a small resin ring.Giving me a nice relaxed body and calm but wandering mind. This was a nice chill mellow effect without being knockout strong, or having a long duration.. Giving me a peaceful feeling content to just relax. Which is hard for me to do sometimes so that feeling was definitely nice, this would be best for unwinding after work, helping to destress etc

As for criticism all I really have is the duration of the effects weren’t as long as I typically like to see only lasting about 90mins and the taste didn’t translate all of the subtle notes in the aroma like we all hope to see. I feel like the more this is run the more dialed it will get I’m looking forward to sampling it again in the future to compare batches. If you try this let me hear your thoughts🤙🤙

frozen fuel by b-eazy buds strain review by chauncey_thecannaseur

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