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Strain Review: GM-UHOH by Cannabiotix

@cannabiotix GM-UHOH! =🌲🍪⛽️🔥.

Lineage/Genetics: GMO (Forum Cut GSC x Chemdawg)

Original Breeder: Mamiko Seeds

Grower: Cannabiotix

GM-UHOH Strain Review

Best for= 🤯 😴 🤕.

& the👃=🦨⛽️🍋🍪.


Very impressed with this one (9.7/10)

I can’t wait to try the RPG next.

The GM-UHOH has just become my favorite @cannabiotix strain. My jar is 39+%. And 3 hits later all pain and nausea has left my body and my head drifts off into sedation. Amazing medicinal values. I often find the buds the have the funkier/ strange structures are better for medicine.

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Round 2

Official Gm-uhOh @cannabiotix @cbx_rep
34.16% THC , 0.27% CBD, 35.91% CANNA.
Cult: 8/10/21 Packaged: 9/14/21

First impression- CBX killed the game again. It’s indica 80% sativa 20%. The lineage is chemdawg X forum cookies. This strain is known for its garlic mushroom funk and it’s power as a legit banger!

WEIGHT CHECK- total=28.2g supposed to be=28g! One was short the rest were fat(9.9/10) {SWIPE VIDEOS FOR all 8 WEIGH INS ^}

AROMA- I’m curious as the terp profile behind this madness of a smell. It could be described as garlic, mushroom, fungi, summer garlicky body Oder not very pleasant to most smokers but when you learn it hits harder than it smells, you’ll grow to like it(9.7/10)

APPEAL – some of the craziest nugs I’ve seen. Long stretching spades of greens with chaotic light orange pistils & the STICKIEST frost/trichromes R plastered like a sandy beautiful autumn color scheme! Perfect moisture, perfect density.2 many smalls(9.7/10) see pic2

SMOKE & TASTE- garlicky hazy funk of mushroom and herbal spice and musky fungi funk slight (fresh danky skunky gassy background hidden beneath the staler funky musky garlic). Burns so clean. Taste so good even though it’s garlic. (9.6/10)

EFFECT & MEDICINE – ITS A SLAPPER. Supplying one of the heaviest highs cannabiotix has to offer, great for sleep and nighttime, medication for pain, and just getting baked af. (9.7/10)

Puff or pass: gmuhoh is a major puff! Hands down the best gmo in the game! Probably #2 or #3 by CBX. possibly CBX’s number 1 (IF it’s max dialed in) price point is lil high but worth it!!!

Compare to : @connected.california @blemvibe @cali.lotus @cali_lotus @jungleboys (10/10)

Overall rating: 9.8/10 if this had any other flavor I’d go my first 10/10 but unfortunately it’s just another tie for 1st place at 9.8/10 with about 8 other strains

Nothing is for sale! PHOTOGRAPHY AND REVIEWS ONLY!! #420 #710 #cannabis #cannabisreview #cannabiscup #cannabiscommunity #ᴡᴇᴇᴅᴘᴏʀɴ #sandiegoweed #sandiego420 #californiaweed #calibudreviews #californiacannabis #kush #indica #sativa #growyourown #weed420 #hash #socal420 #weed #ᴡᴇᴇᴅᴀʀᴛ #cbxlife #710labs #weedstagram #rosin #allweknowisheat🤷🏻‍♂️ #gmuhoh #gmo

Round 3

@cannabiotix GM-UHOH new batch quick review
Thc: 33.18% canna: 35.25% terpenes: 2.09% package date : 11/01/21
Dispensary: NA @cbx_rep

I’ve done gmuhoh reviews previously so same deal this time, just a quick update review to keep y’all posted what’s up with the most recent batches! This gmuhoh is on point. The numbers are down from a 38% batch I once had. But honestly this gmuhoh smells stronger. And it’s fresh af, they did a beautiful job as always. Gmuhoh is a favorite of mine for when I have pain or can’t sleep. A powerhouse strain forsure. One monster nug, 4 norms, and a small. 3.55g . So yes it’s a good batch of gmuhoh ! Equal to my last batch, but that first batch at 38% was my favorite. Garlic, fungi, mushroom terps. Skunky musky hazy funk. Effects are heavy indica sleepy. Potency is what this strain is know for other then the smell!
Weight check: 100/100
Aroma: 95/100
Appeal: 94/100
Smoke taste: 94/100
Effect: 96/100
Potency 94.5/100
Overall: 95.25/100

PHOTOGRAPHY AND REVIEWS ONLY!! #420 #710 #cannabis #cannabisreview #cannabiscup #cannabiscommunity #ᴡᴇᴇᴅᴘᴏʀɴ #sandiegoweed #sandiego420 #californiaweed #calibudreviews #californiacannabis #kush #indica #sativa #growyourown #weed420 #hash #socal420 #weed #ᴡᴇᴇᴅᴀʀᴛ #cbxlife #710labs #weedstagram #allweknowisheat #gmuhoh #cannabiotix #gmostrains

Round 4

Gmuhoh new batch review @cannabiotix @cbx_rep
THC: 36.74% CANNA: 38.5% pack: 12/01/21
Genetics: chemdawg X forum cookies
Swipe volume up narrated video reviews !

WEIGHT CHECK- 100/100 10.66g > 10.50g
3.55, 3.59, 3.52

AROMA- 92/100
Garlic, onion, fungi, mushroom, chemdawg gmo, herbal, musky, spice, gas. Skunky, sour dankness, tiny bit of sweet cream wrapped in all the garlic onion funk

APPEAL – 90/100 (dropped points for structure)
This batch was more Leafy larfy, with spacey nugs and not as good structure or density as usual but still awesome . Long skinny spears and spades of dark greens and light greens with purple highlights and tips. Has Wild but delicate thin orange pistils. Intense trich action, hairy with big heads. Stickyish. After grind is way keify tho (so I recommend breaking by hand, big chunks with a torch ((which I never do)))

SMOKE & TASTE- 91.5/100
Mostly white ash with lil gray and a few rare dark flakes, drip off the rip, terp ring drip fluctuated between motor oil and reg drip, drier at end. burned a little uneven. pleasant smoke, dank but smooth.. garlic, fungi, mushroom, chem, funk, herbal, skunky, sour gassy, spice& musk

EFFECT- 94.5/100
Major head change! Faded af! Mind slowed and at peace. Stress relief, anxiety relief.. heavy downer! Body is slumped, couch locked, and sleepy! Hungry with pain relief! Nausea relief!

Few hits you feel it tough! And last hours! Powerhouse! One of the strongest by cbx!

Overall: 91/100
Still amazing despite this batch having appeal issues that previous batches did not have. But they dialed the testing back up from previous batches so this batch tests stronger but doesn’t look as good as the last batches. Personally I preferred last batch. Points dropped slightly from previous review due to the structure issues but even so it’s still in my top 10 best of all time despite the small issues

Nothing is for sale! PHOTOGRAPHY AND REVIEWS ONLY!! #420 #710 #cannabis #cannabisreview #soothing #tranquility #sandiegoweed #calibudreviews #sedating #kush #indica #cbxlife #710labs #allweknowisheat #cannabiotix #welcometothecbxlife #gmuhoh #terpenes #cannabinoids #chemdawgcross

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