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Strain Review: Kremlin OG by Russian Assassin Boyz

Review # 16 kremlin OG by Russian Assassin Boyz

Lineage/Genetics: Headband, Skywalker, Lemon OG Kush

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Russian Assassin Boyz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Kremlin OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

kremlin og by russian assassin boyz strain review by jaz_reviews_ca

PREFACE: Fresh out of college for the summer, I took the trek back down from the bay to SoCal and stopped in at traditional in LA along the way to see if I could find some Panic attack inducing OG. For some reason, everytime I’ve found an OG offering up north it’s always been lacking to the standard that I’ve found to down in southern ca. So when I hit traditional I compared the Russian Assassin Boyz Kremlin OG and traditional OG offering and decided to review and buy the RAB version. Again I have to say that traditional and specifically the Russian assassin boyz has consistently been the best to my wallet in LA aside from POG, 3C, a few others.

COMPANY INFO: All info for the Russian assassin boys and traditional can be found in reviews # 4 and # 9.

VISUALS: 8.75/10
Came in looking like some real deal with amazing appeal for what it is. Heavy yellow/amberish trichome heads cover over light green hued buds with long orange pistils and quite a unique structure with short bulbous colas that appear stacked on top of each other. The nugs looked incredibly healthy and surprised me with how visually attractive it came across for a strain that’s not known for being the prettiest sometimes.

SMELL: 9/10
This shit literally stunk once the seal was taken off. Even placing it into the sealed mylar traditional gives as takeaway bags didn’t mask the astringent reeking lemon pine-sol smell and an ever present gassy element magnified when grinded. This was a smell that took over the nostrils and spread to every part of the room whenever the jar was opened.

Straight gas with that lemon pine-sol on the dry pull, inhale and a gasoline exhale and a smooth lung expansion. Off the joint it took 3 puffs of the bleeze before the effects really started hitting with that heavy headed and heavy lidded feeling that spread to the whole body like a warmth in the veins. This version of OG don’t have me in a panic attack mode but damn near close with that heavy heavy high that has you blanking out mid thought and forgetting shit that happened 5 minutes earlier.

kremlin og by russian assassin boyz strain review by jaz_reviews_ca 2

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