CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Maui Wowie by UpNorth

Maui Wowie

Brand: Upnorth

Bred by: ?

Genetics: Landrace Hawaiian sativa

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Maui Wowie Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

THC content: 36.06%
Cannabinoid content: 41.96%
Package date: 05-03-2023
Terpene content: 4.75%

maui wowie by upnorth strain review by reviews_by_jude

Aroma: Like a goddamn tropical forest!
Papayas, green guavas, fresh mangoes, orange peels and obviously a bit of pineapple is in there. Some of the fruity stank devolves into a kind of fermented stanky funk! There’s a faint cheesiness for sure. Underneath the fruity smells are a piney spicy sort of herbalness that pokes through with an occasional record store incense type of smell. Maybe some nag champa and opium. Needless to say this strain done right is out of control with its terpocity. And yea I just invented that word. The terps levels are 4.75%. I’ve seen hash with lower levels not great hash but I’ve seen it! My girlfriend who does not smoke liked the smell of the flower and said the smoke smelled kind of sweet to her. Definitely a break from the usually gassy stanky stuff I usually like to offend her nostrils with.

Taste/Smokeability The flavor of the flower is mouth-coating and thick. It has the tropical fermented fruit but it also leans into the herbal spiciness with a tinge of rotten funk. The fruits come through with that same tropical bouquet that I mentioned before but I can also taste some melon along with some nice hashy floral notes that are just delicious. The flavor of the smoke was so potent and had longevity until the end of the joint. The ash was the whitest I’ve seen in a very long time. Not that that’s the only metric of quality. The oil ring at the end of the joint was mad thick enough to the point of running. It’s truly a beautiful pleasure to smoke.

Appearance: Honestly what sold me was the aesthetic appeal of the gigantic nug in this jar. I almost picked up some new cloutking I haven’t tried but I saw this and it made me super nostalgic to my teen years. It looks just like the Maui I had as a good with giant spear shaped pod buds. With the classic bright lime green coloration to the flower with grassy dark guard leaves tucked in crevices. The main difference between this and the Maui of my teen years is the resin content.
This flower is just completely saturated in sappy gluey resin glands. This was fresh enough when I pulled a nug a part I got some stringing. Most of my jar was one giant top and it is just beautiful.

Effect: this is literally the perfect wake and bake strain for the weekend. It just smacks you right away. It’s definitely mentally stimulating with also a bit of that borderline psychedelic feeling some good sativas give you. It’s not an anxious feeling but maybe more of a stronger higher vibration than a lot of modern indica dominant polyhyrbrids. It’s a soaring mental high that inspires me to be creative but also has a relaxing aspect to it. One thing I will say is that this shit makes your eyes really red. Don’t worry about thinking if people will know you’re high it’ll be pretty obvious.

Overall: I’m really glad I picked this up. It’s a sweet treat that is also another great strain for positive summer vibes. Upnorth grew this one immaculately. They really did her justice. After trying this and their chem I’m excited to try a lot of their catalog of old school bangers. 🤙

maui wowie by upnorth strain review by reviews_by_jude 2

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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