Strain Review: Oregon Golden Goat by Top Leaf
Holy, this sativa dominant hybrid, Oregon Golden Goat, by @topleafcanada is something else.
Lineage/Genetics: Lemon Haze x Zelly’s Gift x Flo
Original Breeder: Top Leaf
Grower: Top Leaf
Oregon Golden Goat Strain Review
Great bud structure, smell and taste. This strain is sweet to smell, but spicy in taste, giving us huge notes of caryophyllene, but also terpineol and myrcene. Humulene is also in the mix. This is a fantastic day strain, while strong and hazy, its euphoric and energetic, which I love. OGG is a cross between Lemon Haze X Zellys Gift X Flo. This may be my new favorite to Royal Highness (minus the 💸) –
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