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Strain Review: Proper Z from Proper Selections

Proper Z from Proper Selections and grown by Blueprint.

Lineage/Genetics: Zkittlez

Grower: Blueprint

Terpene Profile: Unkown

Proper Z Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

proper z by blueprint strain review by njmmjguy 3

I was telling y’all how I was impressed with the alien lab zkittlez. This proper Z smokes even better. The Proper Guys ain’t kidding when they say they want the best of the best.

Taste was good Z. Simple Z. No grapefruit and barely any fruity/sweet tastes. Maybe lemon. After I was done smoking one time, I coughed and I swear I tasted lemon lol. I rolled the first J a nice 1.4 and loved every minute of it down to the tip..pause. When I say it smokes even better than zkittlez it’s just like breathing regular air. Nice white ash. Potency is solid. It’s no chump.

I’ll always grab more Z. Just another good one to keep an eye out for!

#properz #weedporn #nj #weedpics #weed #njweed #cannabis #njmmjguy #njents #madcownj #properselections

proper z by blueprint strain review by njmmjguy

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