CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Rainbow Belts by Jungle Boys



(Grape Ape x Grapefruit Strains) X (Zkittles x Dosidos)

Breeder: Archive Seed Bank

Grower: Jungle Boys

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Jungle Boys Rainbow Belts Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

SMELL: 9.1/10

FLAVOUR: 8.3/10



STRENGTH: 9.2/10


rainbow belts by jungle boys strain review by cannoisseurselections

I remember during lockdown 2020 a pack of JBs Rainbow Belts was going for above £90/$110. I tried a Doja remake around the same time however wasn’t crazy for it. I managed to finally get some zips for good price last year; so was eager to try it. Upon opening, I was hit by an expected Zkittles sweet floral grapefruit aroma, but with a super creaminess infused. Difficult to explain, but it also has JBs usual kind of hazey fizz essence to it which I find on all their strains (maybe a feed or something). It looks like a typical Zkittles, the buds are golden lime green with hydroponic hairs sitting in a bed of trichomes. On the inhale my mouth filled with a fairly sweet but creamy grapefruit fizz, but unless I hold on to that taste real tight, the sweetness quickly turns bitter on the exhale. It literally fades away leaving a nutty cardboard kind of taste, maybe from the Dosidos. Although the flavour let down the smoke, this was relatively clean and smooth. An oil ring stayed dripping throughout, with light silver ash. This isn’t a terrible flower, I guess it’s just hit and miss on batches for JBs. I would still repurchase if nothing more Z is available.

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