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Strain Review: RS11 by Doja Exclusive

Rs11 by Doja

Lineage/Genetics: Black Sherblato (Sunset Sherbert Bx1) x OZK Guava v2 (Pink Guava x OZ Kush)

Original Breeder: Deep East x Wizard Trees

Grower: Doja Exclusive

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bag appeal: 9.0/10 wow this was some of the prettiest rs11 I’ve ever had. Straight covered in trichomes. Super super dense nugs. Light green with tints of purple and blue all through. Beautiful vibrant orange hairs. Very very nice looking bud. Smell: 9.0/10 I FREAKING LOVE THIS SMELL!!! I’ve found that almost every time I’ve had rs11 it’s had slightly different terps. This time it reminded me A LOT of the batches of zoap I’ve gotten from Doja. It had that same kind of “fresh air” kind of smell that I love. Reminds me of the smell of laundry after you wash it and hang it outside to dry haha. Definitely was heavy on the sherb too. With some fruitiness with a little gas. Could smell this stuff all day. Smoke: 8.0/10 again it’s been a while since I smoked this but from what I remember I really liked it. Tasted just like it smelled. Burnt very clean and had no kind of harshness at all. It got a little hot towards the end of the blunt and started losing its flavor towards the end but other then that loved it. Only complaint I have was it wasn’t very strong at all. I’d get a great high right after I smoked it but seemed like it would go away within an hour or so. Overall: 8.5/10 I absolutely love rs11! Some of my favorite terps in the world. Like always Doja did there thing too. I definitely feel like there were certain things that needed dialed in a little better but overall it was really good! I highly suggest trying to grab the batches from deep east or wizard trees before grabbing this one but if it’s ur only option, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

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