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Strain Review Shishkaberry by Barney’s Farm

Shishkaberry [Hybrid Indica] 🧃

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry x Afghani

Original Breeder: Barney’s Farm

Grower: Unknown

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Shishkaberry Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

shishkaberry by barney's farm strain review by cannabisseur604 2

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Strength – 3/5 🗿🗿🗿
Aroma – Tropical, Sweet, Fruity, Gas 🌴 🍍 ⛽
Taste – Sour, Pineapple 🍋🍍
Density – Dense 🥦
Smoke – Average 🙂
Oil Ring – No Oil 😶
Cherry – Premature burn, Below Avg Cherry 😐

Budget strains are changing the way consumers make their purchase decisions when it comes to reloading their stash 🤔. With a bit of compromise on appearance, intensity of aroma, trim, moisture lvl, or taste of a cultivar (strain), consumers can now opt for a product that deliver the same intensity of effects, without punching a hole in the wallet. 👊🕳️👛
I must try this tier of ‘budget strain’ for myself, so I present you with 🥁: Shishkaberry ✨ with a very modest price point, saving more than ½ of what I usually spend 🤗.
On first impressions, the moisture level is above average. Squishing results to some crunching, though the structure stays intact 👍. The aroma is rich and potent with different layers of tropical scents; berry-esk 🏝️ 🍇. Trim is neat & tidy and scores the highest among its physical characteristics.
Grind retains some moisture, but will dry quickly if left uncovered 🍂. Fair rolling medium. Sparking one up, Taste is mute and the intake is harsher on the throat than I’m used to. Almost cough inducing – but hey, 🌈 Ya Gotta Cough to Get Off! 🌈
In terms of effects, does it get the job done? Oh yeah baby 😎. Energy rush through chest in an upwards fashion flowing through the head 🎢. Relaxation & numbness fall on the eyes, brow, temporal lobe with a creepy crawly sensation meeting at the tip of the skull 💆.
Non drowsy with glazed eyes, heightened state of awareness, uplifting euphoria within the first hour. The affordability of this strain allows me to Juice again sooner without a second thought of current inventory or cost. Peace of mind sessions!
✔️ Great format & option for rookie/intermediate users who stick with one strain, and/or those who do not mind the nuances of the different grades & decide based on price-point. 👍 👍
Follow ➡️ @cannabisseur604 ⬅️ for more craft cannabis reviews! ⁠

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shishkaberry by barney's farm strain review by cannabisseur604

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