CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Skillati 3.0 by THE TENco

SKILLATI 3.0 🍨 🍬

Lineage/Genetics: [Zkittlez x Gelatti]

Original Breeder: THE TENco

Grower: THE TENco

Terpene Profile: Unknkown

Skillati 3.0 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

skillati 3.0 by the tenco strain review by dopamine 2Class: Exotic [SoCal]
Powered By: X @team10extracts._
Cultivated By:

Smell | Flavor: The palate of this one was hitting on mostly candy terps for the most part, yet with a slight funk. An almost cotton candy like flavor even comes in from the dry pull, and it hits on most marks here.

The High: The first strike is actually relaxing with a swift mental uplift from the THc punch, though when it comes to the rating of the hit, it comes off as smooth. Its mellow nature allows you to relax and savor it a bit but all in all, just a really dope high. The body becomes a bit stronger around the halfway mark. You could chill out with this flower, or even entertain yourself with a movie, or even partake after work and its calm nature will carry you through the rest of the smoke.

Dope’s Thoughts: Overall, this is some dope. I didn’t expect less from TENco honestly. It ashes white all the way through, clean smooth hit for the consumer. Gorgeous work and I’m giving it some added notches for the strike of it.

This gets a 7.3/10 from me 💯

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