Strain Review: Sour Diesel by White Rabbit Farm
Sour Diesel from @whiterabbitfarm
Lineage/Genetics: AJ’s Sour Diesel
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: White Rabbit Farm
Terpene Profile: Unknown
White Rabbit Farm Sour Diesel Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Rating: 9.7/10
Dour? Yes
I am very thankful Whiterabbit gave me a early sneak peek at their new Sour Diesel Rez cut 2 full weeks before its release. As with all bud, the sour usually looses some flavor & smell after time so its way different when you smoke it super fresh & when it gets old. I got it super duper fresh at the peek optimal time to smoke it. 1 of the most pretty looking buds ever as you can see. It was cured to perfection, was extremely sticky icky icky, its the peel back sour where u need to peel back each strand when you break it up. As soon as u pop open the jar, the nostalgia hits your notrils & takes over the aroma. Unless u live in your own house, I highly recommend you pop the jar open outside because if you pop it open inside you got a good chance of getting evicted because they will think u got a whole grow operation going in your apartment. The smell alone is enough to make u travel back in time to that 2006 ass beating by your parents for smoking in the house meanwhile all u did was roll a blunt & didnt even spart it yet but they were 1000% sure you baked out the whole house because thats how strong the smell was 😂. Type of sour u cant carry in anything but a airtight container or else every single person you walk passed will turn heads. When you break up this sour your mouth will begin watering because you will start to realize this is some real deal dourrr. That nose tingling gasoline, kerosene Octane 93 unleaded citrussy skunk smell is undeniable and it tastes exactly how it smells, u can taste it from the 1st pull to the last, very very smooth, no cough but still potent smoke. The high is straight sativa upper cerebral intellectually stimulating dreamy type of high with heavy giggles & munchies. Its got that extra little kick and potentness that a lot of the sours now days are missing. Just because its sativa, don’t underestimate this sour, its very potent the limit is 3 blunts in a 24 hour period, then u will need a nap to refresh or else u might get the dope feen lean going & start nodding out infront of people n they might think you do dope 💉 🤣. Highly recommended. 1 of my favorites.
Piff & Dour
From New York
Haze & Sour Diesel Connoisseur
Constantly on the hunt for the best Haze & Sour Diesel
I'll let you know if its piff