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Strain Review: Space Face by Alien Labs

Space Face strain review Lineage/Genetics: Dosi Face (Dosidos 22 x Face off OG bx1) Original Breeder: Archive Seed Bank Grower: Alien Labs Terpene Profile: Unknown

Space Face Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

space face by alien labs strain review by the_cannabis_connoisseurs 2 This #spaceface by @alienlabs makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s like a dank blanket for your body!🀣 No but seriously I was really impressed by the smoke. It’s a dosi face pheno (dosidos #22 x faceoff og BX1) and it’s parents made a strong ass baby. When I cracked the jar, my nose couldn’t take the jet fuel fumes. After like 5 seconds of smelling it I had to back away and start over. The flavor was dosidos dominant, classic sweet and gassy funk with hints of peanut butter. Definitely will grab again. I give spaceface a 8.6 out of 10. space face by alien labs strain review by the_cannabis_connoisseurs
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Enjoying life and kush
One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors
🎡@simplygeniusent πŸ’™@catalyst_cherry2
New song β€œTruth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

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Enjoying life and kush One puff at a time #fuckbraintumors 😀@_dank_all_day_ 🎡@simplygeniusent πŸ’™@catalyst_cherry2 New song β€œTruth” drops 6/19 @ 9pm

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