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Strain Review: Strawberry Runtz by UpNorth

Strawberry Runtz

Cultivated by: Upnorth

Lineage/Genetics: Strawberries & Cream x Runtz

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix

Strawberry Runtz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Package date: 06/08/2023
THC content: 35.35%
Sum of Cannabinoids: 40.18%

Terpenes: 1.70%

strawberry runtz by upnorth strain review by reviews_by_jude

Appearance: like some really fire Runtz. It’s been around for so long now that anybody who’s been smoking the past few years should know what it looks like by now. It’s got those quintessential deep violet hues that Bacio is known for with littles bits of green poking through from the Z. The z also lends kind of a funky nonlinear-ness to the flowers structure. The one thing that sold me on this jar was how absolutely resin covered it is. I mean it’s got heads on heads on heads. Looks like someone dropped some deep purple grapes in a bowl of powdered sugar. They had two jars of this one left and I scoped them both. They both had medium to bigger size nugs which is typical of Upnorth’s grading. No real smalls to speak of. The jar I chose was just a little better trimmed.

Aroma: So right away I’m getting hit with some strong strawberry syrup Kinda almost like nesquick strawberry milk.
Beyond that strawberry creamyness there lies an effervescent lemon lime soda like smell with undertones of lavender, pine, and maybe even rosemary? It’s actually a complex nose on this one that I really like. It’s equal parts artificially sweet while also having a strong earthy herbal profile to accompany that sweetness. There’s some other fruitiness going on aside from strawberry I can smell some fig and some prunes. There’s a cinnamon kind cookie essence that completes the smell. I’d say it’s pretty a darn good one that kind of reminds of strawberry cough but just a little bit.

Taste/Smokeability: This flower leans more towards the gelato side at least at the front end of the flavor. There’s almost a nutty macadamia thing going one with some cinnamon cookie flavors thrown in for good measure. It does transition towards the more fruity side of spectrum with sugary candied strawberry flavors as well as a little bit of grapefruit and that lemon-lime I mentioned earlier. You can taste the Z undertones in there but it’s subtle. I really do enjoy this flavor. I have nothing bad to say about it. It’s super smooth burns white and clean leaves a bit of an oil ring but not crazy drippy which is
A okay with me.

Effect: This is really strong! Stronger than normal runtz for sure. I just tried a snap of this at first and I felt an instant head change which isn’t usual for me with my tolerance but this lady cuts through it like a warm knife through butter.
It’s like a gentle warm embrace that just envelopes your soul. It has nice relaxing qualities that kind of make it nice weekend morning weed. It really is strong and I feel like if I overindulged with it I could be inclined to nap but that said I don’t think this cultivar is just some one dimensional sleep weed. It’s inspires some creative aspects and stimulates the mind a bit but I wouldn’t necessarily call if energetic if you get what I mean.

Overall: I went in to my local shop trying to find something unique and ended up with a runtz cross. 😂 I’m really not mad about it! I went in looking for some of this new Fig farms I saw the other week but didn’t grab it. Not disappointed at all though because Upnorth crushes any cultivar they grow and it’s always a treat to try their flower. This one was really exceptionally pretty flower with a good flavor and nose to boot. No complaints from this guy. If you see it give it a try.

strawberry runtz by upnorth strain review by reviews_by_jude 2

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Judah Terpson
Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

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Judah Terpson Lover of all things green & fragrant. Reviews connoisseur cannabis products. Picture shown are hemp and NFSOT. Everything for the love of the plant.🌱🌞

2 thoughts on “Strain Review: Strawberry Runtz by UpNorth

  • Kai Kindle

    This is NOT a review. So the weed looks nice and smells good. That’s the only thing I learned. We smoke to get HIGH‼️‼️‼️🤪😫 How does the weed make you feel⁉️ This would be like reviewing a restaurant and only talking about how the food looked and smelled. I just don’t understand these reviews at all.

    • Editor’s note: The rest of the review has been added. A previous version of this review was published missing sections.


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