CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: White Trufflez by Clear Vision Farms

White Trufflez 🌰

Lineage/Genetics: [ GG #4 X P.B.B F2 ]

Powered By: @clearvisionfarms

Grown/Cultivated By: Clear Vision Farms @clearvisionfarms

Bred By: Fresh Coast Seed Co. @freshcoastseedco_1

Selected By: Beleaf Cannabis @beleaf_cannabis X @beleaftakeovah.2

Gifted By: @playbook.genetics

Terpene Profile: Unknown

White Trufflez Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

white truffle by clear vision farms strain review by dopamine 2

Class: Living-Soil Organic [NorCal]
Flavor Line: Self Titled

Comes out amazingly deep, pungent but very pleasurable. As you get into it there’s this garlic and kush funk that smacks you, most likely from the terps of the Peanut Butter breed. Breaking it open these nugs prove to be beautiful, sticky, and with a dope cure. I broke down 1.3 In an organic hemp and proceeded with my dry pull test: those flavors translated into the taste, with a bit more kush lapsed over your taste buds which is very distinct.

As you spark this up, the first few hits come in smooth with the draw of your roll, and those flavors intensify. The activity strangely starts from bottom upward, starting in your chest and around the base of your neck. It’s quite calming, and shuts off any racing mind. This dank garlicky smoke is a pleasing mood stabilizer, creating a chill quiet space. This amalgamation of Caryophyllene & Humulene terpene reminds me of the high you’d get from, let’s say, Garlic & Grapes or Sherbanger ‘22 perhaps but with a bit more of a relaxed flavor profile. Halfway through the activity then creates a heaviness upward that you feel in your temples, and directly under your eyelids getting them nice and low. I found myself smacked in place, not the strongest effect on the muscles or full body, but compensates for that heavy feeling in your brain in such a way that your body follows through. Up to the end, you’ll find yourself in a nice mood, with a ‘low and slow’ vibe going. This is a dope chill out strain, one that I found personally to be dope for anti-anxiety symptoms or mood swings in people.

This had a lot of hands on it, and I can see why because something special was found here. Originally from the Playbook camp, I’m extremely pleased that Clear Vision was able to push this one out.

This Gets A 7.8/10 From Me Based On:
• Taste/Terpene
• High Effects
• Longevity

white truffle by clear vision farms strain review by dopamine

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DOPE, THE REVIEWER! Now Featured on The Highest Critic ⭐️ Young Mogul 👺 DMV ‼️ Culture Artist & Cannabis Reviewer. Creator of // #DOPAMINE 🧠

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