CaliforniaCannabis InfusedReviewsTopicalsTransdermal

Topical Review: 1:1 Transdermal Compound by Mary’s Medicinals

Do you know the difference between a topical and transdermal cream?

@marys_medicinals 1:1 Transdermal Compound has been my #1 solution to dealing with any type of muscle tenderness in my body.

Brand: Mary’s Medicinals

Mary’s Medicinals 1:1 Transdermal Compound Review

Transdermal creams work by being applied to the skin just like topicals, but they actually absorb and penetrate through the skin into your bloodstream. This means it can not only work as a localized effect, but also throughout your whole body.

Yoga teacher training has been leaving my wrists and hands especially tender lately and I’ve been seeing some carpal tunnel symptoms return (numbness/tingling in hands, loss of mobility)
After massaging them with this I feel both instantaneous relief and long lasting results.

Massage is very important to combine with this product when dealing with muscle issues because it will bring fresh blood into the traumatized area and eliminate waste so it’s nice that this product is a consistency that is easily applied and absorbed to the body.

I’ve found the combination THC:CBD always provide a lot more relief for my body personally than just the CBD creams. Plus, it smells like mangos!

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