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Vape Review: Blue Dream Infused Flower Puck by Pax

Got to try one of these thanks to serendipity during Hall of Flowers. Blue Dream is a classic to me and anything with full melt ice water hash in it has my attention.

Grower/Procsesor: Unknown

Brand: Pax

Pax Blue Dream Infused Flower Puck Review

When I peeled the tape back from the plastic covering, I was met with a weedy smell of sharp evergreen. The vapor was tangy but I’d say that the puck was just a touch more packed than i like to packs it normally. Not overly packed by any means because once it got to temperature, the airflow was not too restricted.

For good measure, I even broke a chunk off and ripped it in a bong. Definitely stronger than the average flower – though not tastier. The puck packed a punch – a punch that I failed to dodge. The taste was a lot closer to fresh ground/milled flower when vaped, but still not quite. Good thing I’m a dragon chaser, not a flavour chaser. But those that identify with the latter may want to stick to hand packing their Pax still for their next puff puff pax sesh.

Full bodied vapor with all the best hashy tones and all the expected flower tones. A hint of blueberry keeps things interesting. Got me nice and toasty – and I started thinking.

For convenience, It’s pretty good. Also considering I haven’t seen Blue Dream hash anywhere – I’m extra jazzed. I have used bud cups before in the past and can see the appeal and time saving that this might provide. Also, there are plenty of dispensaries that don’t have Blue Dream on the menu and if Pax can provide this far and wide – it’ll have that cultivar back in the limelight, which I’m all for.

I have so many process questions though. What temperature is the thing sealed up at? 

Who grew the blue dream – who washed it. Things like that. I’m so curious! And some customers might be, too.

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Founder of The Highest Critic
Unpaid /r/trees mod
Certified Ganjier
Kine bud enthusiast

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Caleb Chen

Founder of The Highest Critic Unpaid /r/trees mod Certified Ganjier Kine bud enthusiast

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